Welcome to our Zoo!

Let's take a tour of the Zoo. There is the Zoo Keeper, he is in the Air Force. Then there is me, I am the Zoo Trainer. I have been married to the Zoo Keeper for 13 years. Then we have the Animals of the zoo, the Zebra, the Monkey and the Alligator. The Zebra is 10 now. The Monkey is 8 soon to be 9. The Alligator is 6. We do all of our training at home (homeschool). We are a traveling zoo that has been to Wisconsin, Mississippi, Nebraska and Maryland.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

It is offical!

The Zoo Keeper will be going to school in Texas, Florida and South Carolina before he heads out to the middle east. He will leave in a week and return in December to leave in January and return again in February, just in time to leave for the middle east.

There are some blessings that will be coming out of this. Financially this is better than having him go to Korea. We will not have to deal with setting up two households. His pay will be tax free because he will be in a tax free zone.

We are praying that the animals will be able to handle this separation and that I will be consistent in training them. I have a tendency to allow them to get away with more when the Zoo Keeper is gone. We are praying that we can get our finances under control so that we can put the aminals into some sort of activity so that they will be busy while the Zoo Keeper is gone.

We are blessed.


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