Welcome to our Zoo!

Let's take a tour of the Zoo. There is the Zoo Keeper, he is in the Air Force. Then there is me, I am the Zoo Trainer. I have been married to the Zoo Keeper for 13 years. Then we have the Animals of the zoo, the Zebra, the Monkey and the Alligator. The Zebra is 10 now. The Monkey is 8 soon to be 9. The Alligator is 6. We do all of our training at home (homeschool). We are a traveling zoo that has been to Wisconsin, Mississippi, Nebraska and Maryland.

Monday, October 26, 2009


I would like to know why the animals at the zoo lose teeth whenever the Zoo Keeper is gone. I think I have pulled out more teeth than the Zoo Keeper himself. But I also get the pleasure of seeing how the animals react when the tooth fairy leaves them money. This time it was the Alligator who lost the top left tooth. She went upstairs to try to pull it herself. When she came back down she had a napkin and the tooth was bleeding. So I had to grab the tooth and pull it out. But it didn't come the first time because she was at the wrong angle and I didn't get a good enough grip on it. So I had to do it again after repositioning her. This time it came out. I put it into her hand and she proceeded to lose it on the floor. So all the other animals at the Zoo got on the floor to help look for it. We were able to find it without too much trouble.


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