Welcome to our Zoo!

Let's take a tour of the Zoo. There is the Zoo Keeper, he is in the Air Force. Then there is me, I am the Zoo Trainer. I have been married to the Zoo Keeper for 13 years. Then we have the Animals of the zoo, the Zebra, the Monkey and the Alligator. The Zebra is 10 now. The Monkey is 8 soon to be 9. The Alligator is 6. We do all of our training at home (homeschool). We are a traveling zoo that has been to Wisconsin, Mississippi, Nebraska and Maryland.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

You Might Be A Homeschooler If......

1. You come to school in your PJ's.
2. Your biology lab consists of assisting in your sibling's birth.
3. Your stacks of books to check out is taller than the librarian.
4. Your PE comes from chasing little toddlers around.
5. Your school bus is a 9 passenger van.
6. You consider school work after lunch to be cruel and unusual punishment.
7. Your mother has ever told the check-out lady at Wal-mart, "We're on a field trip."
8. Your social life is viewed by some to be one rung lower than that of a Benedictine monk.
9. Your teacher has ever written your report card on a napkin.
10. You have to move dirty laundry off your desk before your can start school.
11. The signatures on your diploma all end with the same last name.
12. Everyone else in the world is referred to as "Non-homies."
13. Your Mother's wardrobe consists primarily of denim jumpers.
14. Your first real date is on your honeymoon.
15. The word 'homework' sounds like an foreign language.
16. Your yearbook is also your babybook.
17. A snow day means that you shovel the driveway after you finish your school work.
18. You enjoy the pastime of watching public school kids walk home from school.
19. You have to look at the clock to see if you can call your public school friends yet.
20. You think that public-school-kid is an insult of the highest degree.
21. Health class consists of eating breakfast.
22. You have to decide what year you want to graduate.
23. You are always late but just call it "homeschooler time."
24. You can remember nearly every single day you went to public school.
25. The teacher can kiss the principal, and no one thinks it's unusual.
26. You get to school and the teacher asks you if you've done all your chores.
27. You and your brothers and sisters have been caught reading books on the couch because

Friday, February 03, 2006

Sex Offenders in your area

This is a very important way to check the sex offenders registery where you are living. Please check back often the keep up the the offenders in your area.


If you click on this link, enter your address and zip, it will give you a map of your section of the city and if you click on the flags near where your house is it will show photo's, names & crime committed, of all the registered sex offenders in your area.

The little squares with what look like circus tents in them are the schools. If you click on those instead of the red flags it lists all at once with pics of those within a certain distance of the school. I don't mean to alarm, just believe firmly that knowledge is power, and helps us all be alert.

You Know You're a Military Wife When.....

...you can unpack a house and have everything in place in 48 hours.
...you string barbed wire to keep the neighbor's kids out of your flower beds.
...your husband's work and dress clothes cost more than yours do.
...you've changed more oil and mowed more lawns than your husband because he's not usually able to be there himself.
...you use a crook-neck flashlight with a red lens during power outages because it's the only one you can ever find in the house.
...your children grunt, say "hooah", "roger that", or "aye aye" instead of "ok".
...you know that it's normal to light shoe polish on fire and that the best way to spit-shine boots is with cotton balls.
...your husband does a route recon and takes a GPS for a trip to the mall.
...you only write in pencil because EVERYTHING is subject to change.
...you need a translator to talk to your civilian friends, only because they have no idea what DFAS,AER, TDY, ACS, NPD, PCS, and ETS mean.
...you have a larger selection of curtains than Wal-Mart does.
...you can remember where you kept the Scotch tape in your last house, but unfortunately, not in this one.
...you mark time in duty stations, not years. (you could be a military brat for this one)
...you refer to friends not only by name but by the state that they live in.
...you know that "back home" doesn't mean at the house you live in now.
...you tear up when you hear the National Anthem, even though you've heard it 100 times by now.
...you know that a 2 month separation IS short, no matter what your civilian friends say.
...you ALWAYS know when payday is and are counting pennies if there are more than 2 weekends during that pay period.
...you know better than to go to the PX or commissary between 11:30 and 1:30 unless it's a life or death emergency.
...you show your military ID to the greeter at Wal-Mart.
...you know that any reference to "sand" box reminds you of your hubby's last deployment, not your kid's backyard toys.
...you find yourself explaining your husband's LES to him.
...you have enough camouflage in your house to wallpaper the White House.
...you don't have to think about what time 21:30 is.
...you start ripping open MREs and looking for the M&Ms when you run out of candy.
...you can't remember the last time you saw a doctor who wasn't wearing BDUs.
...the local dry cleaner knows you by your first name.
...it only cost you $25 to have a child.
...you find that a large number of your clothes and household items are olive drab or loam, even though you never planned it that way.
...you pick apart uniforms on TV and in the movies
...you've learned to sleep through the sounds of tanks, planes, helicopters and artillery simulators.
...you can hate military life but be terrified to leave it all in the same breath.
...you defend your lifestyle no matter how bad things get because you know there's no other life for you!