Welcome to our Zoo!

Let's take a tour of the Zoo. There is the Zoo Keeper, he is in the Air Force. Then there is me, I am the Zoo Trainer. I have been married to the Zoo Keeper for 13 years. Then we have the Animals of the zoo, the Zebra, the Monkey and the Alligator. The Zebra is 10 now. The Monkey is 8 soon to be 9. The Alligator is 6. We do all of our training at home (homeschool). We are a traveling zoo that has been to Wisconsin, Mississippi, Nebraska and Maryland.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The positve reasons for hubby being gone!!

#1 - I no longer have to get in the shower and get hit with water in the face because the shower head stays were I put it.
#2 - I don't have to get in the van and re-adjust all the mirrors and the seat because I was the last one who drove it.
#3 - I get to make anything I want for dinner. Hubby doesn't like casseroles, so I get to make Shepherd's pie.
#4 - The donuts I get on Saturday morning still have some left on Sunday morning. Instead of being in hubby tummy on Saturday night.
#5 - He isn't here to turn on the light in the bathroom when getting ready for work in the morning. Now if I could get my body to understand that 5 am is not the time to wake up.
#6 - I have so much less laundry to do. I think in the three weeks (today) that he has been gone I have only had to do 6 loads of laundry. Usually I do 2 loads a day on the week days. Whoo-ray for me!!!

Monday, November 09, 2009

Packing up the Zoo!

We found out almost a week ago that the Zoo will be packing up and moving to Germany. We will be moving in June of 2011. I am excited to go to Germany but terrified to be going to a foreign country to live. Everything will be different. It is hard enough to move from one state to another state but now we are going to a foreign country, a different Continent. All these things that are scary, but also makes it very exciting. Don't get me wrong I am EXCITED!!

Being the trainer of the animals at the Zoo I love to see them experience new things. The Zebra is getting excited about going to Germany. She asked if we can go see some of the paintings of Michelangelo. That was exciting to me because when the Zoo keeper and I were in Italy in 1998 we went to the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican. The rest of the animals in the zoo are starting to get excited also. We found some cookies at the commissary that were from Germany. They were not very good but we decided to try some different ones.